Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The inside scoop...

I can only imagine how curious people are about what happens on a regular daily basis. I was always so curious before I came out as to missionaries actually DO!  Well, let me sum it up for you...we talk to people about Jesus Christ, and invite them to change their lives in Him. Sounds easy? Possibly. Personally, I find missionary work to be a variety of different things including fun, frustrating, exhilarating, tragic, humbling, and hopeful to name a few. How many people go around and talk to random people about God. In this day in age, that subject is unfortunately something that not many people care to discuss. However, one thing that we emphasize as missionaries is that we are not here to take away people's faith in Christ, but to add to it.

Our day consists of studies in the morning, service at the Local Food bank (which I LOVE by the way),  and the rest of the day is appointments/ finding new people to teach. One thing I love is going to bed at night happy because I know that we have worked hard trying to share the message of hope and love that we have with everyone that we meet. The Church of Jesus Christ, the VERY church that Christ established when He was on the Earth has been restored to the Earth in its purity and fullness! How neat is that!?! I love sharing that with people. With that knowledge, people's lives can and will change for the better,but first we have to trust in that God that gave us life. We really can know truth, if we simply take some time to learn of Christ, to read of Him. The Bible is a great way to gain that knowledge, also reading from the Book of Mormon answers life deepest questions. The Book of Mormon is a companion to the Bible. It's main purpose is to convince everyone that Jesus really is the Christ, to add a second witness to the validity of the Bible, and to show the world that Christ's church is back on the Earth today.

It's simple really. If the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith is a prophet, called of God to restore the Church, if he was a prophet, then God truly does talk to man in our day! I love it! I love the message we share. That's what we do. As missionaries, we are normal people, but we have a divine calling and purpose. What more could I want?!?

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